虽然灵能角色依靠她的异能来实现目标,但她也依赖于充满灵能之力的特殊物品。 本节详细介绍了许多新灵能物品供玩家角色使用,以提高他们在冒险中的能力。
武器 | 价格 |
大地之锤Earth hammer | 12,300 gp |
饮血Lifequencher | 14,800 gp |
盘曲锁链Chain of convolution | 30,705 gp |
灵界掠夺者Ethereal reaver | 40,000 gp |
寂灭短刃Quietus stiletto | 50,308 gp |
钢之魂Soul in iron | 52,500 gp |
劫掠者Flayer | 98,315 gp |
灵冠 | 价格 |
游丝袭者Stygian diabolist | 75,900 gp |
晦暗教徒Gossamer assailant | 80,438 gp |
水晶面具 | 价格 |
心灵惧像水晶面具Crystal mask of terror | 5,400 gp |
片刻明晰水晶面具Crystal mask of visual insight | 10,800 gp |
灵界密探水晶面具Crystal mask of otherworldly gaze | 16,200 gp |
心灵占卜水晶面具Crystal mask of psychometry | 23,760 gp |
扭曲幻觉水晶面具Crystal mask of deluded perception | 120,000 gp |
心灵抑制水晶面具Crystal mask of entrenched psyche | 120,000 gp |
灵能皮肤 | 价格 |
星质护甲灵皮 Skin of ectoplasmic armor | 3,000 gp |
天界灵皮 Skin of the celestial | 10,000 gp |
炼狱灵皮 Skin of the fiend | 10,000 gp |
能量抑制灵皮 Skin of power damping | 10,800 gp |
天界之拥灵皮 Skin of celestial embrace | 48,000 gp |
炼狱之拥灵皮 Skin of fiendish embrace | 48,000 gp |
灵锥 | 价格 |
操控气流灵锥 Psionatrix of air control | 1,620 gp |
仿生术灵锥 Psionatrix of animal affinity | 1,620 gp |
避役之肤灵锥 Psionatrix of the chameleon | 1,620 gp |
遥感术灵锥 Psionatrix of clairvoyant sense | 1,620 gp |
修复伤害灵锥 Psionatrix of damage repair | 1,620 gp |
相位互换 Psionatrix of dimension swap | 1,620 gp |
浮空术灵锥 Psionatrix of levitation | 1,620 gp |
时间印记Psionatrix of psychic sensitivity | 1,620 gp |
能量震慑 Psionatrix of stunning energy | 1,620 gp |
阅读思想灵锥 Psionatrix of thought reading | 1,620 gp |
隐蔽膜灵锥 Psionatrix of concealing amorpha | 4,050 gp |
伪装感觉 Psionatrix of false sensory input | 4,050 gp |
灵能手带 | 价格 |
射程延展手带 Bands of extended range | 2,000 gp |
炽焰弧手带 Bands of the blazing arc | 6,300 gp |
心灵之火手带 Bands of mindfire | 11,000 gp |
灵界放逐手带 Bands of ethereal abduction | 47,530 gp |
其它灵物 | 价格 |
水晶蜘蛛念珠 Crystalline spider bead | 1,400 gp |
鼓舞坐骑鞍座 Saddle of the inspired mount | 5,400 gp |
Sandals of springing | 6,000 gp |
警戒晶锚 Crystal anchor of alertness | 10,000 gp |
能量箭袋 Quiver of energy | 15,750 gp |
灵界箭袋 Quiver of etherealness | 15,750 gp |
被遗忘者寿衣 Shroud of oblivion | 23,700 gp |
元素雕像 Elemental effigy | 25,000 gp |